Welcome to the 2022 Run Happy Hour Registration. We will meet and run/walk every Monday night for ten weeks beginning June 6th and running through August 15, 2022. You can go 3 or 5 miles OR go your own distance. You can run/walk at your own "Happy Pace". After you run/walk, join us margaritas, local craft beer, good music and a lot of socializing. We will take off at 6:00 pm each Monday from our Peak Performance-Cass Street store (519 N 78th st.)!
Dates - June 6, 13, 20, & 27 July 11, 18, & 25 August 1, 8, & 15
COSTS - Pre-paid for Entire summer is $60 If pay for entire summer by May 31, 2022 you get a t-shirt. Just click the REGISTRATION button below.
WEEKLY COST - If you want to pay only the weeks you attend than the cost is $7 each time.