DATE: Sunday, July 28, 2024
TIME: 9:00 am
PLACE: Eugene Mahoney State Park, Ashland, NE.
COST: Now thru 5/31/2024 = $45
6/1/24 thru 7/25/24 = $50
7/26/24 thru 7/27/24 = $60
YOUTH RUN - middle/high school
(Attending 24 -25 school year)
COST: Now thru 7/25 = $35
7/26 thru 7/27 = $40
SWAG: S/S Tech T-shirt. Guaranteed sizes if registered by 7/15/24.
POST-RACE: Food and 2 Beverages
Lucky Bucket Run!
Welcome the 2024 Lucky Bucket 5K Cross-country run. This event will take place on the certified Championship Cross-country course at Mahoney State Park in Ashland, NE.
With your paid entry, you will receive entrance into the park, a very nice short sleeve tech t-shirt, food, two drink tickets, and a fun after party event.
RACE AWARDS: Top 3 male/female finishers in the following categories: Overall, Master's, 14 & under, 15 - 19, 20 -29, 30 - 39, 40 -49, 50 -59, 60 - 69 and 70 & over.